Scream it♥!
Live, Laugh, Love (:
Don't rush life (:
Smile often, laugh more (:

♥ scream a love song (:
Friday, July 25, 2008 .}- 8:33 AM

My mom gets back from Washington D.C. tonight! I'm so glad! I appreciate her SO much more now. I think if I have to cook again I'll scream [well I have 2 meals left...lunch and dinner]. But after that I swear I will! This week was so stressful without her, because Obi wasn't much of a help, and dad likes to "supervise" lol. I think I have all the chores caught up that she wanted [like laundry]. I hope there's not much more to be done!

I have to actually pack for Steens Mountain Running Camp today. I've put this off all week, but seeing as how I leave tomorrow...I might wanna do it lol. I'm so nervous about camp. I meaning running is hard for me period let alone in high altitude, when I'm not in very good shape for it. Oh well, it'll just hurt, I'll survive.

Julio leaves either today or tomorrow I believe for time trials at college but he'll be back. He leaves again the 8th for his college running camp. Then he might come back but probably not. I'm going to miss him so much! I've been dating him for most of high school and he is like my best friend in Umatilla. I'm lost without him...I guess I'll just have to find my way.

Schedules for school are coming out soon. I'm so worried about mine, none of my classes seemed to work together. My electives and required classes totally clashed! Thankfully because of that though I got out of concert band and can still do jazz band. Usually to do jazz band concert is required. I guess I'm special circumstances! I only say thankfully though because band can be less than fun...I mean the director means well, but he doesn't have a clue with teenagers. He just can't seem to relate.

Well I think I'm officially done babbling. This is my last post until I get off the mountain...then I'll have a lot of stuff to write about. It'll be more interesting guaranteed!
♥ scream a love song (:
Thursday, July 24, 2008 .}- 11:17 AM

Well I think I'll start this blog just letting you get to know me better [if you don't already! If you do, enjoy the memories]

This is my best friend in the world Rachel Spencer. We only went to school together my 8th grade year but she's my bff for life! We used to hate each other when she first moved here...she thought I was a stuck up prep [which turns out I've became a punk/scene kid] and I thought she was a boyfriend stealer. Like it was her fault he liked her [they didn't date lol]. She moved to Irrigon when they got evicted from their house. I miss her so much but I spend most of my time at her house. She's always there for me and I'm always there for her. We have nicknames for each other and even have a "club". It's the 7's. Because her birthday is February 7th and mine is March 7th. There was one more 7 Cheyenne [August 7th] but we kind of drifted. So that's my bestest friend forever!

This is the original 7's. Mwuah, Rachel, and Cheyenne!

This is another of my best friends and my boyfriend. Julio Garcia. We've been dating for 1 year and 6 months [almost 7]. He leaves for college in 2 weeks...and I'll be gone for 1 week and a half of it. I love him so much! He is just so amazing to me. He treats me better than I ever thought possible. I can tell him anything, and he can tell me anything. There's almost nothing we don't know about each other. Other than Rachel he is one of the few people who have accepted me for me. We have so much in common and are like perfect puzzle pieces.

I'm a runner. I run cross country and track. My team [boys and girls] made it to state my freshman year. Girls took 4th over all and boys took 9th...quite impressive actually! I've always ran varsity [I could never settle for less]. I'm a severe asthmatic but nothing can stop me as long as I'm not passed out. So far that hasn't happened yet...close but not yet! I'm pretty much a beast...I run mostly on heart cuz i'm not a distance runner. I do better at sprints but my highschool sprinting career has had bad luck. My freshman year I pulled my hip flexor and kept running on it...therefore I hurt it worse AND my times sucked. My sophomore year I was sick almost the whole season. I was there the last 2 weeks. I didn't make it to state my sophomore year but I WILL make it to state this year. There is no other option!

This is my family. Not all of it because I have a HUGE family. These are just the ones that I was raised with the most, so am closest to. Obi and Zach are twins...Zach is autistic and Obi is just annoying. I guess most little brothers are. Their like 1 year and a half younger than me. Sometimes I think Zach is an angel sent from god. He is so special! Arjuna is my hero. He is the youngest out of my older brothers, and is in the navy! He is married and the little girl is his step daughter Jenicy.

This is my cousin Levi Michael Waller. I spent last summer in Jordan Valley working for my Aunt Robin at her restaurant [The Basque Inn]. Levi took me around and introduced me and linked me to humanity. He was the most amazing person you could ever meet. His bad days were better than most people's good days. Even though he was a smart ass he never left anyone out and was really caring. He played lead guitar in a band The Tin Stars. He was an amazing guitar player. Unfortunately July 11, 2007 he died in a car crash. I was supposed to be with him that night, but thank god my grandma wouldn't let me go. I'm still not over it...I don't think I ever will be. Rest In Peace Beav!

This is from Blooms Day. I went with some of my really good guy friends. Nick Ash [graduated this "hubby", the nerdy one], Jacob Vandever [the short white one], Mario Aparicio [the mexican lol...he's a genius], and Jacob's mom Krystal. This is the band group [adding me]. We don't hang much outside of school but these guys I know I can tell anything and it won't leave the group. I trust them so much, and they are just really nice guys. They're the kind of guys that I could walk in front of them naked and they wouldn't make a move. They'd prolly crack some jokes but mostly prolly wonder why I was naked lol.

These are 2 of my 3 sisters and my biological dad. I hadn't met them before that I can recall. I'd looked forward to this my whole life. I think they are so beautiful and amazing! I have one sister left to meet and I can't wait. It was unfortunate that I had to meet the Hayhurst family under the circumstances [funeral] but I'm glad I met them. I felt like I found another piece to the puzzle that makes me who I am. I found a piece of myself. And I finally found out where my smile came from ;p.

This is another one of my really good guy friends. Matt Tassee. He graduated this year, and we've had some good times. He's a really funny guy and is prolly too nice for his own good! We don't get to hang out as often as I would like but we're friends none the less. He was one of the first friends I made in high school...he was part of the table that invited me to sit with them instead of my corner. Thank you :D

I'm a major dork! I love making funny faces, and am quite random. I'm very creative! I love to write poems and songs. I am in concert and jazz band. I've played clarinet since 5th grade and baritone saxiphone since 8th grade. I love music and literature. I can pick my way through a couple instruments. When it comes to music I like everything but country...a little rap, a little techno, a little pop, a little indie, and a lot of rock! I love anything with a good beat though! I love to mom used to ground me from reading cuz it was all I did. I think bookworms are sexy, and guys that can pull off eye liner. I hate running but for some reason subject myself to it's insanity anyways. I love myspace....look me up!
I love looking for quotes that help define who I am. A lot of them come from songs. I don't get the big deal with American's a snooze fest and simon's just a...never mind lol. Jordan Valley is where my heart resides but I want to live in Seattle. It's personality mirrors mine. I want to be the screamer in a big band but don't want to be famous. I wish I was tall enough to model. I love setting trends...I don't follow them! My dream hair do is a soon as I get the balls to do it! I love living out of a suit case and want to travel. I hate being in one place to long I get antsy. I'm afraid of being tied down, and don't want kids. Yet I seem to be cursed and am really good with them. I blame it on Obi, Zach, and all my siblings who asked me to babysit for them! So that's a basic idea of me. Keep reading and learn more!

Below are pictures of me, my friends, and my bro obi i think...



© designer ; JOJO♥
` hosts ; x x

the musician♥!

` Sunny Day♥

Sonora is the name
Sunny is the nick
You'll never meet another like me
17 years young
Rebel at heart
Soul of Music

grant it for me♥!

Peace of Mind(!)
Parental Approval (!)
Qualify for State (!)
Meet Leah Hayhurst(!)
A Happy Ending (!)

sing it out♥!

soul mates♥!

Aunt Missy♥
My Profile♥

so yesterdays♥!

rewind July 2008
rewind August 2008
rewind December 2008
rewind June 2009