Scream it♥!
Live, Laugh, Love (:
Don't rush life (:
Smile often, laugh more (:

♥ scream a love song (:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 .}- 11:46 PM

Well it's been awhile hasn't it! So much has changed...I really need to work on updating this more often. Where to begin....

Well me and Julio broke up just shortly after our 2 year anniversary. The long distance was really tough, and it just didn't work out. Our friendship has had quite the rough spell, but we seem to be getting along better. :]
I met this guy Zeke at a Disturbed concert and we've started dating. He's pretty much fantastic! My parents don't seem to approve though even though they don't know him. He lives about 50 miles away. He's an artist and a musician. Really good one at that...I'm not just saying that because I'm his girlfriend either :]

This is him sitting on the computer at my house :] He's normally not that sad looking!

And this is us together...we're pretty much dorks :]

I didn't make it to state in track. Obi didn't either...but it was a really fun season and the team did great! We had 2 state champions and I believe 8 state qualifiers! I'm not running summer track..Junior Olympics. We have a meet this weekend. It's a pretty big one...qualifications for regionals! :] I'll be doing sprints thank god xD

I've been grounded for about 3 or 4 months for staying the night at Zeke's. Whoops... :] It looks as if they're finally letting up though! Yay! School is out for the summer and I am now officially a senior! I can't wait to graduate! I've looked at a few more colleges but none seem to fit quite right. I'm considering taking a year between highschool and college and hitchiking through 49 states with a friend. Nothing set in stone though! I recently went to a book sale and oh boy it was heaven! I bought a whole box of books! My autistic brother Zach went up to Seattle for surgery last week. Everything went great! They put a chip in his chest with a wire connecting to a nerve in his neck to help control seizures. They haven't turned it on yet but hopefully it works! He has to go up there for checkups every otherweek. Oh much car time! Other than that life has been pretty dull. I'm job hunting because I need the money and need something to occupy my time. Hopefully soon I'll finally be getting my permit so i can get my license. I'm getting my Grandma June's car sometime this summer, and Arjuna gave obi a car. Now we just need to be able to drive them xD Hmm...I think that's everything so here's some pictures!

This is me dressing up as a G-G-G-GANGSTA to cheer up one of my girlfriends after our college class :] I can always make that girl smile!

This is the cross country team at Boise. A traditional picture we do every year :] Us by a slow sign pointing at the "slow" person. :]

Me, Zeke, and Dustin. Dustin and I have known each other for a few years but just started hanging out this year. He's hillarious, super smart, and almost 7 feet tall. No joke!

This is Ani :] AKA Tranny Ani AKA Crack Head AKA Coke Head. All names very fitting :] Jk jk :] I met her in my college class and she's quite the hippie. And yes that's quite the black eye...Damn gangs and the rotten mexicans! I'm not really racist but they were mexicans...Any who... :]

© designer ; JOJO♥
` hosts ; x x

the musician♥!

` Sunny Day♥

Sonora is the name
Sunny is the nick
You'll never meet another like me
17 years young
Rebel at heart
Soul of Music

grant it for me♥!

Peace of Mind(!)
Parental Approval (!)
Qualify for State (!)
Meet Leah Hayhurst(!)
A Happy Ending (!)

sing it out♥!

soul mates♥!

Aunt Missy♥
My Profile♥

so yesterdays♥!

rewind July 2008
rewind August 2008
rewind December 2008
rewind June 2009